Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The Children's Museum...Finally

Fasten your seat belts were coming in for a landing!

We finally made it to the Children's Museum. Josh has been asking to go back for over a year. We were supposed to go over spring break, but Belle ended up with an eye infection. Yesterday, when Josh asked if we could do something fun I had the perfect idea. The weather forecast was supposed to be in the mid 90's so I thought I would surprise them a special day at the museum. When they woke up i told them we going somewhere, but it was a surprise. So I did not tell them where we were going until we were on our way.

Belle goes grocery shopping after going to the bank and getting cash.

Josh's favorite part was the police cars.

Both kids had a great time dressing up as cops and firemen. It is funny how they get along so well when there is no other kids to play with. Josh has decided to be a cop for Halloween and I am going to dress up as a prisoner.

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