Why is it during the week I have to threaten the kids to get out of bed, but on the weekends they are up before I would normally wake them during the week? Is this a sick plan that Granparents plant in our children to get back at us for all the early mornings.
During the week I go into Josh's room all sweet and nice---"Joshy, wake up sweetheart it is time for school." Hmm, nothing! "I know you dont want to get up, but you have to"...Nothing...Hmmm should I be worried? So the light goes on-it's alive, he moved. A few more nice words of encouragment. Oh and dont let me forget to say --inbetween my all this coaxing I am packing his lunch and getting his snack together, oh and of course the money for the fundraiser to help pay for the art teacher. That is another story in itself. Let's just say Josh hates art day, all they do is watch a movie and draw. Great glad I am working so hard to pay her! Back to the story...Josh buddy time to get up or we are going to be late, you want some cereal?? Great he is back asleep. Oh I better check the news, maybe we will have a snow day. Granted it is 58 degress, but in the south threat of snow during school hours can lead to school cancelation. Bummer nothing.
It is time to change tactics...Joshua get up now or you wont be able to go to the YMCA and swim tonight. It worked he sits up. Of course he is mumbling about hating school and all the work he has to do. "Josh you just had all weekend to rest, it is Monday a brand new start!!" I hate Mondays he says today is Art and I hate art do I have to go to school. Urgh! That Art class is my demise. Only 4 more days to go before the weekend.
I guess the apple does not fall far from the tree. When Josh was a baby I thought, I am morning person. I go to bed early and wake up early. Then reality hit. Morning does not start at 8:30. It starts between 6:00 and 6:30. Now I go to bed later and get up earlier. So Saturday is my one day to sleep in. I am feeling pretty good about this too. Josh is spending the night at a friends house so he wont wake me up. Joel leaves for work. Ten minutes later Belle is in my room. She cant just crawl in bed. She has to pry my eye open with her cold little fingers. "Hi Mommy, morning time...Wake up...I want chocalate milk. I look at the clock 6:30
OK Mom, I get it, your punishing me for all the early mornings.
Sweet Lenten Sabbath
18 hours ago
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